Voice Actor, and Writer here looking for any and all kinds of work to work up my experience. Please Message me any way you like, and I'll be happy to talk!

DanielScratchVA @DanielScratchVA

Age 24, Male

Voice Actor, Writer,

Joined on 8/7/19

Exp Points:
503 / 550
Exp Rank:
> 100,000
Vote Power:
4.95 votes
Global Rank:
> 100,000
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"Hey babe, you hungry I bought your favorite!"

"Hehe, yes I made sure no onions. Honestly, what kind of girlfriend do you take me for?"

"No need to apologize, I know you just like to confirm thin-"

"Baby? What's the matter?"

"No, you look spaced out...sweetie, tell me what wr-"

*Listener pulls away*

"O-okay okay, no touching right now I get it...but can you tell me whats going on?"

"You don't know, but you feel like you are not in control of what you are doing? What do you mean sweetie?"

"So you feel like you're a passanger in your own body, like in that one movie we saw... Oh baby, I'm sorry tell me what you need and I'll get it done right away."

"Listen, what you're experiencing is not a waste of my time and if you feel you want me gone then just say the word and Ill be sure to have your food ready for you when you feel better just in the living room."

"Okay, so you do want me here what do you need me to do love?"

"Cuddles, white noise, and to just talk huh? What do you want me to talk about?"

"Anything huh? Well I can do that, Jarvis please play 10 hrs of white noise."

*White Noise starts*

"Now let's get under the covers, and Jarvis could you turn off the lights and turn on the night light?"

"Hehe, see and you said getting Jarvis was too extravagent."

"I-Is it okay if I hold you?"

"Okay, here I go...there all snug as a bug."

"I can feel your heart racing sweetie, whats wrong?"

"You feel scared, like you might die? Oh no, no that's never gonna happen and you know why?"

"It's because you have a big strong girlfriend to keep you safe, nothing is gonna take you from me you hear?"

"That's it, it's okay to nuzzle yourself into me."

"Hmm? You feel weak doing this?"

"Listen you sweet thing, just because you have weak moments doesn't mean you are weak. It just makes you like anyone else, someone with feelings and someone who has limits both mental and physical."

"Besides, you are always there for me when I need this kind of attention. Consider this as my turn to give the same to you."

"Good, you've accepted your fate haha."

"Now, tell me please before it drives me up the wall. What happened to make you feel like this?"

"You just felt overwhelmed and overstimulated, hmm that could be a few things...does this happen alot?"

"Not often, but it typically leaves you bedridden for hours if not days? Sweetie, that's not healthy have you talked to a doctor?"

"Not enough money, but you always tell me you are fine with money?"

"When you say that you mean that you are able to pay all your bills and not much else, is that why you haven't wanted to go out as much?"

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"You were afriad of how I would see you, baby I don't care about your financial situation I care about you and you are the person I love most in this world."

"You should never be ashamed of letting me in like this love, never..."

"So what now, well obviously we are gonna cuddle and stay like this till you feel ready to eat, then we are going to go online and find you a therapist."

"Oh I know, that's why I am gonna cover it."

"Shh, no buts about it. In fact the only butt I wanna see is yours snuggling closer to me."

"Don't worry about money right now, now is the time for snuggles and white noise."

"You're thanking me, for what sweetie?"

"Oh shush, I am not more than you deserve. Everyone, including you deserves to have everything they can imagine without letting their mind overwhelm them."

"Now, let me tell you about my day at work...so today I went in and there was this horrible smell..."

*Fade out*

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Hello! Here is my voice acting commissions guide. Below is a table that will give you an idea of how much I generally charge for commissions. Please keep in mind that I reserve the right to refuse commissions if they make me feel uncomfortable. Please send all commission requests to my e-mail: Danielscratchanimations@gmail.com!

Rates Chart

SFW Voice Commissions

$1.00 per line or .10 cents per word

NSFW Voice Commissions

$1.50 per line or .20 cents per word

Singing Voice Commissions + Instrumental, Mixing, and Mastering

< 1 minute $10/1 minute or longer $20

Line Splitting (A separate file for each line)

Additional .10 cents per line

Sample work

The Goof-off Collab

Friendship Always Wins (16 person Collab)

No Matter What Collab

I've failed you... [Loki x Sigyn]
